Catherine Lowe Collaboration

The first time Catherine and I met, we spent a few hours discussing how I could help her with some branding/marketing ideas. This was 2012 at VKL in Chicago, and I had recently hung up my art director hat. By our next meeting, we talked about everything but that, and an enduring friendship began.

My fondest memories with Catherine are the many hours spent together at meticulously chosen restaurant tables, deciding what we will order to maximize the opportunity to share everything. Catherine's is one of the few opinions I can honestly say I trust as much (maybe more) than my own. Over the years, she has become a business partner and one of my favorite people in the world.

Not only is Catherine one-of-a-kind, so is her yarn.

In a sea of yarns available, Catherine Lowe Yarn stands out as truly unique. Developed and milled to perfection, they create a genuinely exquisite fabric. Each ball is wound (by her) into perfectly parallel plies to produce the required weight of yarn needed. It doesn't get much better than that.

The Seine Wrap features a soothing stitch pattern repeat that is easy to establish and follow, and each stitch glides smoothly through your fingers. After it has been washed and blocked, the finished fabric transforms into the softest luxurious cloud to wrap yourself in. If you haven't knitted with Catherine's yarn yet, I hope this will give you the opportunity to treat yourself.

Each beautifully wrapped kit includes detailed pattern instructions and 1600 yards of Merino 3 + Silk Mohair 1 to complete the project. The kit is available at a special value (including free domestic shipping) for a limited time on Catherine’s website.

Julie Hoover